TV Commercial Production Process — From Script to Schedule

If you’ve used StudioBinder’s project management tools before, you know the value of managing a project collaboratively under one roof. However, for those of us who work in commercial television production using AV scripts, we’re left on the outside looking in, right? Not necessarily. The way I see it is, StudioBinder is a tool which… Continue reading TV Commercial Production Process — From Script to Schedule

How to Invite and Accept Teammate Invitations in StudioBinder

Filmmaking is a collaborative medium. There are countless people and departments that help bring a project together. So, having a solution that allows you to invite others to work together is invaluable. Luckily, StudioBinder makes inviting and accepting invitations to be a team member easy by having one place to manage your team. Follow along… Continue reading How to Invite and Accept Teammate Invitations in StudioBinder

How to Recover Shots Using the Version History Manager

So you’re knee-deep in Pre-Production, shooting script formatted, script broken down and you’re almost done with the shot list. Then, you receive an updated version of the script, so you import that into your StudioBinder project and then all of the sudden you’re missing shots on your shot list. What happened? Well, typically that means… Continue reading How to Recover Shots Using the Version History Manager

How to Use StudioBinder’s Collaborator Feature Like a Pro

As your filmmaking career progresses you’re going to be working with more and more people all the time. Each new project might be a completely different crew than the last. So, how do you manage this with a production software? Well, with StudioBinder’s Collaborator feature it’s as easy as typing an email. Come along for… Continue reading How to Use StudioBinder’s Collaborator Feature Like a Pro

How to Create Multiple Shooting Schedules & Why You Should

Everyone loves options. Especially when it comes down to money, and as we all in the filmmaking world know, time is money. So, if you’re an AD, having multiple versions of the shooting schedule comes in handy when presenting to the higher ups. So, how do you do that? With StudioBinder’s version history manager, which… Continue reading How to Create Multiple Shooting Schedules & Why You Should

How to Manage Shooting Locations in StudioBinder

INT. BATHROOM, EXT. SANTA MONICA PIER, EXT. NEW YORK STREET. What do all of these have in common? Well, first of all, they’re all scene headings, at least two-thirds of one. Secondly, they’re all different places or locations. There isn’t a set rule on how many locations to include in a script, but remember that… Continue reading How to Manage Shooting Locations in StudioBinder

What are Script Versions and How to Keep Them Organized

Back in the day, any time a revision was made to a script, a new copy would be printed on different colored paper. Luckily, StudioBinder takes the guesswork out of this and assigns a color to any new document revisions automatically. But it doesn’t stop there. We’ll walk you through why script versions are created… Continue reading What are Script Versions and How to Keep Them Organized

How to Make a Music Video Storyboard: A Step-by-Step Guide

What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard  → If you’ve ever seen a music video script then you know they’re pretty straight forward. They give you all the information in a spreadsheet type of document, a.k.a. an AV script. This got me thinking about why the video part doesn’t show but rather… Continue reading How to Make a Music Video Storyboard: A Step-by-Step Guide

What are Story Days and How They Work in a Script Breakdown

Time equals change, and unless your entire script takes place over a single day or in some alternate universe where time doesn’t exist, you’re going to have multiple days, months, or even years to account for. Storylines are not always written in chronological order, and rarely are they shot in order. So how are you… Continue reading What are Story Days and How They Work in a Script Breakdown

Film Coverage — A Step-by-Step Guide to Shot Listing Efficiently

If you’ve ever made a shot list before you know how repetitive it can be adding the same shots over and over again. While laborious and time consuming, this is a necessary step to shot list your productions. I’m here to show you how creating a shot list template will save you tons of time.… Continue reading Film Coverage — A Step-by-Step Guide to Shot Listing Efficiently