Animation has undoubtedly opened countless doors in the stories filmmakers are able to tell. It has allowed worlds, characters, and adventures to seep out of the imagination of artists and onto the big screen. Many are drawn to the world of animation because of its limitless possibilities. If you are one of the many, at one… Continue reading Best Animation Software — 2D, 3D, Paid, and Free Options
After Effects is an incredibly powerful and useful program. However, learning how to initially use it can be daunting. One fundamental technique used for both simple and complex animations is moving the anchor point. It may seem easy to do, but you might have found that simply clicking and dragging didn’t quite do the trick.… Continue reading How to Move the Anchor Point in After Effects (Tutorial)
Is in undeniable that After Effects is an incredibly powerful tool. It is also undeniable that After Effects can be incredibly overwhelming and complex to use, especially for new users. This is where plugins come into play. Plugins give creators and artists to share the software they create with other After Effects users to both… Continue reading Best After Effects Plugins — The Ultimate Guide to AE Plugins
Motion graphic design is an excellent visual storytelling tool utilized more and more often. They engage viewers and communicate ideas in a brisk yet captivating manner. With motion graphics, styles shift over time so it’s important to stay on top of trends. In this post, we’re going to go over a list of the biggest motion… Continue reading Motion Graphics Design Inspirations and Trends for 2022
If you’ve ever watched a show, movie, or commercial with words on the screen, you’ve likely seen lower thirds at work. But what is a lower third? And how can you create them effectively, while maintaining aesthetic integrity? A slick design with strategic font and color choices will add a layer of professionalism to your… Continue reading What is a Lower Third? Definition and Design Strategies
How do you decide film credits order? Do you always have to put the director first? Do you list in order of celebrity? Pull names from a hat?Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Film Credits Order Hierarchy (with Free Film Credits Template)
First and last impressions are life and death on YouTube. But luckily there are some excellent YouTube intro templates that will prove that your video is a quality watch. In addition to a solid intro, if you don’t plug your content at the end of your video, you won’t get the traffic you deserve.Continue reading… Continue reading How To Make An Intro For Your YouTube Video [FREE Template]