What does a good outline look like? The answer to that question will depend on what type of writer you are as well as what you personally hope to gain from an outline. We will discuss the purpose of an outline, the different types, whether or not they are even necessary, and explain how to… Continue reading What is an Outline in Writing — Examples and Techniques
As a writer, stream of consciousness may be fun to write but unenjoyable to read. Or for you, the reverse may be true. When talking about screenwriting, stream of consciousness may not be a method frequently used on the page but can be used and benefited from in the pre-writing process or even with visual… Continue reading What is Stream of Consciousness Writing — Methods & Tips
Continue reading 8 Character Archetypes — Examples in Literature & Movies
Whether you’re new to filmmaking, or you’ve studied it for years, you may find that your cinematic knowledge has plateaued. So, now you seek some great filmmaking books to push your skills to the next level. We’ve provided the best list of filmmaking books so that you can write, direct, film, finance, and complete your… Continue reading 10 Best Filmmaking Books to Read in 2022
W hen you’re starting out as a screenwriter, it can be hard to know how to forge a path. There are lots of “experts” out there, but you want to get your information from the best screenwriting websites. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the best twelve screenwriting websites so we can help you on… Continue reading 19 Best Screenwriting Websites to Fast Track Your Career
T he act of storytelling has always been with us. Anthropologist Joseph Campbell took stories from around the world and found they all shared the same basic structure. Campbell’s Hero’s Journey laid out each of the fundamental steps in this story structure. A few decades later, Dan Harmon took this same idea and created the Story… Continue reading How the Dan Harmon Story Circle Can Make Your Story Better
Every story ever created started with one thing: an idea. Now, how that idea is developed and brought to life changes from person to person because everyone’s “process” is different. We’re going to use StudioBinder to brainstorm an idea for a script and show you how the application features will help in the process. Why… Continue reading How to Brainstorm an Idea in StudioBinder
Introducing StudioBinder’s screenplay library — your one-stop-shop for reading, downloading, and analyzing the best movie scripts online. Our collection contains all the feature-length screenplays in our database as well as scripts that we have broken down by plot, character, ending, quotes, and more. Our hope is that screenwriters everywhere can have access to these iconic… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
The fact is that almost every writer faces writer’s block at some point in their career. Deadlines, storylines or even airlines can be the cause of this intellectual affliction. Writer’s block is real and can greatly affect your output.Continue reading How to Cure Writer’s Block: 23 Proven Ideas that Actually Work
Understanding how to introduce characters in a screenplay takes more than properly formatting character descriptions. You want to consider when, where, and how each decision will play out in the mind of the reader and then how it will translate onscreen. We’ll explian screenwriting character introductions so that you can build rich character descriptions that set… Continue reading How to Introduce Characters in a Screenplay: Character Descriptions Tips
Most Hollywood films and television shows are based off “Intellectual Property,” or “I.P.” Free intellectual property comes from the public domain. People are more likely to buy a ticket for a movie about a character they already know and love, so if you want a screenplay idea, maybe it’s time to search the public domain.… Continue reading How to Find Award-Worthy Script Ideas from The Public Domain
T he best movies have stories that entertain us, connect with us, and keep us glued to the screen. That kind of compelling drama happens on multiple levels, through internal and external conflict. How you implement these tools will determine how effective your story is.Continue reading How Internal Conflict and External Conflict Can Energize Your Story
What is the difference between a teleplay, script, and screenplay? Although some people think these terms are interchangeable, every screenwriter must understand the differences.Continue reading Teleplay vs Screenplay vs Script: Hacking the Hollywood Lingo