Greta Gerwig’s adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” is a story of ambitious women and the birth of an artist. Of course, these themes are at the heart of the original work, but Gerwig’s Little Women screenplay strategically reconfigures the familiar narrative; the cozy classic becomes fresh and thrilling. How does Gerwig’s Little Women… Continue reading Little Women Script PDF Download — Plot, Quotes, and Analysis
One of the first (and most exciting) parts of starting your own film production company is creating your film production company name. This name is going to reflect your groundbreaking style, show off your professional and one-of-a-kind brand, and set the tone for the projects you’ll take on as your company takes off. It also… Continue reading Film Production Company Names — Creative Ideas & Examples
Congratulations! You’ve put together most of the cast and crew for your next project. Director? Check. Heads of departments? Got ‘em. But your lead actor is the highly-coveted [insert your favorite actor here], and they’re not too sure they want in. Yet. What safety net can you offer, say, Jeff Goldblum, in exchange for—you hope—his… Continue reading Pay or Play Contract — How Does It Affect Your Production?
If you’ve ever heard sentence structure, met characters, or witnessed ideas that seem diametrically opposed, you’re actually pretty familiar with the idea of the antithesis. But there is more to it than just juxtaposing ideas. Read on to learn exactly what is antithesis, how this tool is used, and how you can include an antithesis… Continue reading What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film
In World War II’s aftermath, business leaders felt threatened by the shifting landscape of the labor movement. Industries struggled, and workers spoke up—even the film industry is currently impacted by these demands for systemic change. When these workers spoke up, though, lawmakers felt the pressure to respond. As with any major historical movement, it’s not… Continue reading What is the Taft-Hartley Act & What Producers Need to Know
Both dysfunctional and profoundly human, Little Miss Sunshine is packed with emotional gut-punches and unique lessons in storytelling. Screenwriter Michael Arndt creates complicated characters, sets high stakes, and dangles success in front of the protagonists up until the very end. So, writers, take note; the Little Miss Sunshine script is a true model of solid… Continue reading Little Miss Sunshine Script PDF Download & Analysis
The most striking characters in film have detailed, complicated character traits. On occasion, our heroes succumb to the power of their most wicked flaws. Hamartia is a timeless term that describes this failure. If you haven’t heard of hamartia before, don’t sweat it. We’ll unpack how to spot hamartia and utilize it in your own… Continue reading What is Hamartia — Examples of Tragic Characters in Lit. & Film