What is a Storyboard Artist — Job Description, Duties & Salary

What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard  → The best animated movies in history all began with simple sketches. Creating these foundational sketches is the storyboard artist. The decisions and drawings from these artists influence the rest of a film or TV show. But what is a storyboard artist responsible for other… Continue reading What is a Storyboard Artist — Job Description, Duties & Salary

What is Second Person Point of View — Definition and Examples

Your eyes scroll horizontally, sentence by sentence, word over word over word – you stop to think, who is it that’s addressing me? Then, perhaps subconsciously, you realize that you must be reading from an alternate point of view, maybe this is second person – but what is second person point of view? We’re going… Continue reading What is Second Person Point of View — Definition and Examples

Screenplay Structure Examples — A Guide for Screenwriters

Whether you searched them out yourself, or whether someone recommended you “work on structure,” all writers have come across a screenplay structure in their day. Some swear by it, others liken it to creative cancer. The truth is, whether you like them or not, there is value in understanding what the formulas are and how they… Continue reading Screenplay Structure Examples — A Guide for Screenwriters

What is an Animatic? Bring Your Storyboard to Life

What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard  → Whether you’re making an animated commercial, a live-action short, or a feature film, animatics will help ensure a solid finished product. You’ve probably heard of storyboards and might have seen animatics before, even if you didn’t know that’s what they’re called. So, what is an… Continue reading What is an Animatic? Bring Your Storyboard to Life

Who Is Justin Roiland and Why His Comedy Matters

As the voice of Rick, Justin Roiland has become a household name. In addition to providing numerous voices on Rick and Morty, he also created the iconic sci-fi/comedy series. Through that success, he has gone on to imbue his unique comedic sensibilities into various other projects. So where else can you see Roiland’s work, and… Continue reading Who Is Justin Roiland and Why His Comedy Matters

How the Dan Harmon Story Circle Can Make Your Story Better

T he act of storytelling has always been with us. Anthropologist Joseph Campbell took stories from around the world and found they all shared the same basic structure. Campbell’s Hero’s Journey laid out each of the fundamental steps in this story structure. A few decades later, Dan Harmon took this same idea and created the Story… Continue reading How the Dan Harmon Story Circle Can Make Your Story Better

Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

Introducing StudioBinder’s screenplay library — your one-stop-shop for reading, downloading, and analyzing the best movie scripts online. Our collection contains all the feature-length screenplays in our database as well as scripts that we have broken down by plot, character, ending, quotes, and more. Our hope is that screenwriters everywhere can have access to these iconic… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)

Rick and Morty Meeseeks Script: Characters, Quotes, and PDF Download

Rick and Morty scripts have built some of the most quoted animated moments ever to be produced. They’ve also created some of the most beloved animated characters ever to be crafted. Below you’ll find a in-depth analysis on the plot structure, quotes, and character of Rick and Morty scripts using the Meeseeks and Destroy episode. You… Continue reading Rick and Morty Meeseeks Script: Characters, Quotes, and PDF Download