What is a Leitmotif? Definition and Examples in Film

What is a leitmotif? What makes it different from a theme song? How is it used in cinema? These are the questions we’re going to answer as we look at the leitmotif definition and examples. We’re also going to show you how masterclass composers like John Williams apply leitmotifs to their films. By the end,… Continue reading What is a Leitmotif? Definition and Examples in Film

Every Star Wars Director — How Each Helped Shape a Franchise

Star Wars is the second highest grossing film franchise in the world – second only to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Over the past 40+ years, nine directors have worked on theatrical Star Wars films, including George Lucas, J. J. Abrams, Ron Howard and more. We’re going to explore the careers of every Star Wars film… Continue reading Every Star Wars Director — How Each Helped Shape a Franchise

Academy Award for Best Production Design — Winners Ranked

Production design is everything that goes into making the world of a film – sets, props and more. But despite its importance, production design is a facet of filmmaking that I think many people take for granted. We often ascribe credit to the writers, directors and stars of a picture rather than the artists working… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Production Design — Winners Ranked

Screenwriting Terms — Abbreviations, Definitions & Vocab

There are a lot of intricacies in scripts that present challenges to even the most veteran of screenwriters. The process of writing a script is difficult enough but the vocabulary, abbreviations, and defintions related to the job can be a bit elusive. But don’t worry, we’re going to cover a variety of screenwriting terms that… Continue reading Screenwriting Terms — Abbreviations, Definitions & Vocab

What is the Wilhelm Scream? Origins and Iconic Examples

What are some of the most iconic sounds in cinema history? Sure two lightsabers clashing or even the suspenseful score of Jaws make that list. However, one sound effect has been used throughout movies of all genres for over fifty years. It is none other than the iconic Wilhelm Scream. You may have heard it… Continue reading What is the Wilhelm Scream? Origins and Iconic Examples

What is Celluloid Film — A Brief History of Motion Picture Film

In the world of movie making we have today, any digital device with video functionality can help you tell a story, from your mobile phone to your computer’s webcam. But what about celluloid film? What is celluloid film, even? We still call movies “films,” right? Film stock used to be the only way major movies… Continue reading What is Celluloid Film — A Brief History of Motion Picture Film

What is a Prequel? Definition and Examples for Screenwriters

In today’s cinematic landscape, very few people are unaware of what a prequel is. Whether you’re watching a new movie that’s labelled as such, or the “sequel” you’re watching actually takes place before the first film, prequels are not that uncommon in the world of entertainment. But what is a prequel exactly, and what are… Continue reading What is a Prequel? Definition and Examples for Screenwriters

Practical Effects in Film — How Filmmakers Do It For Real

Are practical effects still useful in modern cinema? In the battle of practical vs CGI (computer-generated images), who wins? Practical effects have a rich history in cinema, influencing generations of filmmakers and movie goers alike. Oftentimes, practical effects movies can produce a more realistic look and feel than CGI. In the article, we analyze practical… Continue reading Practical Effects in Film — How Filmmakers Do It For Real

What is a Director’s Cut? Every Type of Director’s Cut Explained

If you grew up in the home video era, you may have found yourself asking, “What is a Director’s Cut?” When DVD emerged, some movies would claim to be a “Director’s Cut,” which could imply many things to the potential consumer. It might seem straightforward, but there’s a lot more to Director’s Cuts than just a… Continue reading What is a Director’s Cut? Every Type of Director’s Cut Explained

How the Dan Harmon Story Circle Can Make Your Story Better

T he act of storytelling has always been with us. Anthropologist Joseph Campbell took stories from around the world and found they all shared the same basic structure. Campbell’s Hero’s Journey laid out each of the fundamental steps in this story structure. A few decades later, Dan Harmon took this same idea and created the Story… Continue reading How the Dan Harmon Story Circle Can Make Your Story Better

Revenge of the Sith Script PDF Download: Plot, Quotes, and Analysis

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) is considered the best of the Star Wars prequels by critics and fans who credit its improvement over trilogy predecessors The Phantom Menace (1999) and Attack of the Clones (2002) to a richer and more compelling story. This sentiment is not universally shared, however, as the… Continue reading Revenge of the Sith Script PDF Download: Plot, Quotes, and Analysis

46 Storyboard Examples from Movies, Animation, and Games (with FREE Storyboard Templates)

What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard  → A storyboard is a graphic layout that sequences illustrations and images with the purpose of visually telling a story. Filmmakers and video creators use storyboards to transfer ideas from thier mind to the screen. Creating an effective story board takes skill, but you can… Continue reading 46 Storyboard Examples from Movies, Animation, and Games (with FREE Storyboard Templates)