Interrogation scenes are some of the most utilized scenes in all of screenwriting – but how does one write an interrogation scene? Fret not, we’re going to show you how to write an interrogation scene by looking at examples from Prisoners, Shrek, and more. We’re also going to show you how to format your interrogation… Continue reading How to Write an Interrogation Scene — Guide for Screenwriters
TV script format is perhaps the most difficult type of script format to master. That’s because it involves tons of intricacies that screenplays and stage plays don’t. Never fear though, we’re going to break down everything you need to know about TV script format, from 30-minute sitcoms to hour-plus dramas. We’ll look at teleplay examples… Continue reading TV Script Format 101 — Examples of How to Format a TV Script
If you love TV, then you’ve probably heard of a bottle episode before. Some of the best shows ever from Breaking Bad to Community have used this formula to mixed results. They tend to be some of the most divisive episodes with some fans hating the unique structure while others love what’s made possible through… Continue reading What is a Bottle Episode — Best Examples & How to Write One
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (January 2021)
You’re looking for a movie and TV genre list, maybe for inspiration, but every list you find has categories that are either too broad or so hyper-specific that it becomes overwhelming. We’ve created the perfect movie and TV genre list that will explain the various categories of film and television with their specific subgenres, and we’ll… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (December 2020)
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (November 2020)
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (October 2020)
Six years after the series finale of The Office, it placed #1 among the most watched TV shows on Netflix. And while there are many reasons for this, the character of Michael Scott has undoubtedly made the show timeless. Whether he is conducting a hilariously pointless meeting, closing a deal at Chili’s, or trying to… Continue reading Michael Scott: How They Created TV’s Funniest Character
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (September 2020)
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (August 2020)
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (July 2020)
Introducing StudioBinder’s screenplay library — your one-stop-shop for reading, downloading, and analyzing the best movie scripts online. Our collection contains all the feature-length screenplays in our database as well as scripts that we have broken down by plot, character, ending, quotes, and more. Our hope is that screenwriters everywhere can have access to these iconic… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (June 2020)
How many hours have you spent combing through streaming services looking for the next great show to watch? If you’re anything like me, then it’s probably more than you’re comfortable admitting. But don’t fret, we’ve scoured the depths of the seven seas of streaming to deliver you our take on what the best shows to… Continue reading Best Shows on Amazon Prime Video (May 2020)
There are plenty of great shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, but HBO still reigns king in the world of TV streaming. Since 1972, the ‘Home Box Office’, better known as HBO has produced dozens upon dozens of top-tier TV shows. We’re going to rank the best shows on HBO, from ‘72 to 2020… Continue reading The Best Shows on HBO Right Now (May 2020)
B-Roll BasicsBest B-Roll WebsitesHow To Shoot B-Roll What is B-roll footage in Film and TV? Furthermore, what is A-roll vs B-roll? Filmmakers of all types, whether they make documentaries, wedding videos, music videos, movies, or television NEED to have a keen understanding of both A-roll and B-roll footage. So, what does B-roll mean and why is… Continue reading What is B-Roll: The Difference Between A-Roll vs B-Roll Footage
A comprehensive article that breaks down why Seinfeld scripts were so good at identifying problems, balancing multiple stories, and keeping the viewer smiling.
Shot reverse shot may seem like a simple concept, but the truly great filmmakers know how to use it to achieve unique results. Want to make your scenes more dynamic, robust, and powerful? In this post, we take examples of shot reverse shot, reaction shots, scene coverage, and cutaways to illustrate how you can use these… Continue reading Shot Reverse Shot: Reaction Shots, Cutaways, and Coverage