What is a Supporting Character — And Why They Matter

While many films include archetypal supporting characters, these molds are a little worn out. The audience is getting smarter and more curious. They crave more than the all-too-familiar “mentor” or “sidekick” as a way to convey information or to push the protagonist forward. Watching to see what a supporting character is capable of by themselves… Continue reading What is a Supporting Character — And Why They Matter

What is a Leitmotif? Definition and Examples in Film

What is a leitmotif? What makes it different from a theme song? How is it used in cinema? These are the questions we’re going to answer as we look at the leitmotif definition and examples. We’re also going to show you how masterclass composers like John Williams apply leitmotifs to their films. By the end,… Continue reading What is a Leitmotif? Definition and Examples in Film

Lord of the Rings Script PDF — ‘Fellowship’ Analysis & Download

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is the best story in the trilogy. There are those who will disagree with me, but there’s no denying that Fellowship does a tremendous job of establishing the characters and world of Middle-Earth – while also balancing fantastical whimsy with dramatic action. Fellowship is adapted… Continue reading Lord of the Rings Script PDF — ‘Fellowship’ Analysis & Download

Academy Award For Best Film Editing — Top 20 Winners Ranked

There is a saying: the best film editing is the editing that nobody notices. Though there are exceptions, this is pretty widely accepted as truth for the most part. So if good editing purposely avoids standing out, how are the nominees and winners of the Best Film Editing Oscar picked out and decided? The editing style… Continue reading Academy Award For Best Film Editing — Top 20 Winners Ranked

What is Indirect Characterization — Character Building Tips

Indirect characterization is an essential part of developing nuanced characters. But what is indirect characterization? We’re going to break down this writerly concept by looking at its definition and examples in literature and film. By the end, you’ll know why indirect characterization is an important part of developing nuanced characters.Continue reading What is Indirect Characterization… Continue reading What is Indirect Characterization — Character Building Tips

What is a Deuteragonist — Definition & Examples for Writers

You’ve heard of a protagonist and an antagonist. And now you can really knock the socks off your screenwriting buddies by discussing how your script’s deuteragonist impacts the plot. But what is a deuteragonist and how can you make sure yours serves a vital function in your story. You’re the hero of your filmmaking journey… Continue reading What is a Deuteragonist — Definition & Examples for Writers

Academy Award for Best Costume Design — The Complete List

We’ve talked quite a bit about the amount of thought that goes into Costume Design. We’ve talked about how costumes instantly convey information about the story’s setting, and about who the characters are. The Academy Award for Best Costume Design winners add their own flavor and style to the film, in some cases even a style… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Costume Design — The Complete List

What is Mocap — The Science and Art Behind Motion Capture

Cinema is an ever-evolving landscape. Throughout its history, certain technological advances have opened countless doors for filmmakers. Technicolor brough colorized motion pictures, green screens opened new worlds, and motion capture opened the door for limitless characters. What is mocap and how does it work to create iconic characters? Let’s find out. Continue reading What is Mocap… Continue reading What is Mocap — The Science and Art Behind Motion Capture

Academy Award For Best Makeup and Hairstyling — Ranked

The Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling was a late edition to the ceremony. And the addition of hairstyling to the category came even later. After an outpouring of criticism towards the Academy for not honoring the makeup work done in David Lynch’s The Elephant Man, the Academy instituted the “Best Makeup” category the… Continue reading Academy Award For Best Makeup and Hairstyling — Ranked

What is a Plot Hole — Types of Plot Holes & Examples Explained

It’s time we talked about the much-dreaded “plot hole” — it’s a term audiences crave, screenwriters fear and critics throw around with reckless abandon; but what is a plot hole? We’re going to explain what a plot hole is and why it’s such a contentious term by looking at screenwriting examples and critical discourse. By… Continue reading What is a Plot Hole — Types of Plot Holes & Examples Explained

Screenplay Structure Examples — A Guide for Screenwriters

Whether you searched them out yourself, or whether someone recommended you “work on structure,” all writers have come across a screenplay structure in their day. Some swear by it, others liken it to creative cancer. The truth is, whether you like them or not, there is value in understanding what the formulas are and how they… Continue reading Screenplay Structure Examples — A Guide for Screenwriters

What is a Narrative — Definition, Examples in Literature and Film

Narrative is a term that pops up everywhere, not only in relation to film and literature, but also in news stories, in college curriculums, to describe a style of podcasts, even to specify a form of psychotherapy. But what is a narrative? And why is the term used so often to describe so many seemingly… Continue reading What is a Narrative — Definition, Examples in Literature and Film

What is Forced Perspective? Examples of How to Trick the Eye

You don’t need to be a pro to use forced perspective. In fact, you’ve probably seen your friends post photos using the technique. Some of the most iconic films have worked with it, and even semi-professional photographers often grace the internet with the unique visual elements it often gives. So how can you use it… Continue reading What is Forced Perspective? Examples of How to Trick the Eye

What is a Plot Device? Definitions and Examples for Screenwriters

The term “Plot device” has grown to be taboo in the world of writing. Most screenwriters associate the term with an inherently negative connotation, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Plot devices have existed since the inception of stories, and for good reason. So what is a plot device? In this article, we’re… Continue reading What is a Plot Device? Definitions and Examples for Screenwriters

Academy Award for Best Production Design — Winners Ranked

Production design is everything that goes into making the world of a film – sets, props and more. But despite its importance, production design is a facet of filmmaking that I think many people take for granted. We often ascribe credit to the writers, directors and stars of a picture rather than the artists working… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Production Design — Winners Ranked

20 Mise en Scène Elements Every Filmmaker Needs to Know

Mise en scène can seem foreign, even to filmmakers, film critics, and movie buffs. Why is it important? How do you pronounce it? And what is mise en scène anyway. Grasping mise en scène is critical for anyone who makes or seriously watches any kind of visual content. For directors and producers, mise en scène… Continue reading 20 Mise en Scène Elements Every Filmmaker Needs to Know