What is a Supporting Character — And Why They Matter

While many films include archetypal supporting characters, these molds are a little worn out. The audience is getting smarter and more curious. They crave more than the all-too-familiar “mentor” or “sidekick” as a way to convey information or to push the protagonist forward. Watching to see what a supporting character is capable of by themselves… Continue reading What is a Supporting Character — And Why They Matter

What is a Leitmotif? Definition and Examples in Film

What is a leitmotif? What makes it different from a theme song? How is it used in cinema? These are the questions we’re going to answer as we look at the leitmotif definition and examples. We’re also going to show you how masterclass composers like John Williams apply leitmotifs to their films. By the end,… Continue reading What is a Leitmotif? Definition and Examples in Film

What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film

If you’ve ever heard sentence structure, met characters, or witnessed ideas that seem diametrically opposed, you’re actually pretty familiar with the idea of the antithesis. But there is more to it than just juxtaposing ideas. Read on to learn exactly what is antithesis, how this tool is used, and how you can include an antithesis… Continue reading What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film

What is a Deuteragonist — Definition & Examples for Writers

You’ve heard of a protagonist and an antagonist. And now you can really knock the socks off your screenwriting buddies by discussing how your script’s deuteragonist impacts the plot. But what is a deuteragonist and how can you make sure yours serves a vital function in your story. You’re the hero of your filmmaking journey… Continue reading What is a Deuteragonist — Definition & Examples for Writers

Academy Award for Best Costume Design — The Complete List

We’ve talked quite a bit about the amount of thought that goes into Costume Design. We’ve talked about how costumes instantly convey information about the story’s setting, and about who the characters are. The Academy Award for Best Costume Design winners add their own flavor and style to the film, in some cases even a style… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Costume Design — The Complete List

How to Write an Epilogue — Ideas for Crafting a Perfect Ending

So you’ve finished your story: the primary antagonist has been defeated; the main-plot has been resolved — but something still feels incomplete. Don’t worry, many writers struggle to find that ever-so-coveted perfect ending. One way to add further resolution to a story’s conclusion is by adding an epilogue. We’re going to show you how to… Continue reading How to Write an Epilogue — Ideas for Crafting a Perfect Ending

Harry Potter Script PDF Download — Sorcerer’s Stone Analysis

The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone script is one of the best examples of how to write a franchise-launching movie. Whether you have an interest in adapting a novel, conveying a fantastical world in writing, or a little bit of both, there’s simply a ton of value in studying the Harry Potter and the… Continue reading Harry Potter Script PDF Download — Sorcerer’s Stone Analysis

Screenplay Structure Examples — A Guide for Screenwriters

Whether you searched them out yourself, or whether someone recommended you “work on structure,” all writers have come across a screenplay structure in their day. Some swear by it, others liken it to creative cancer. The truth is, whether you like them or not, there is value in understanding what the formulas are and how they… Continue reading Screenplay Structure Examples — A Guide for Screenwriters

What is a Narrative — Definition, Examples in Literature and Film

Narrative is a term that pops up everywhere, not only in relation to film and literature, but also in news stories, in college curriculums, to describe a style of podcasts, even to specify a form of psychotherapy. But what is a narrative? And why is the term used so often to describe so many seemingly… Continue reading What is a Narrative — Definition, Examples in Literature and Film

Academy Award for Best Original Score: Top Winners Ranked

The Academy Award for Best Original Score is one of the most prestigious honors a composer can be given. Over the years, some of the world’s most acclaimed composers, like John Williams and Max Steiner, have won the award. We’re going to list every Academy Award for Best Original Score winner, then rank some of… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Original Score: Top Winners Ranked

20 Mise en Scène Elements Every Filmmaker Needs to Know

Mise en scène can seem foreign, even to filmmakers, film critics, and movie buffs. Why is it important? How do you pronounce it? And what is mise en scène anyway. Grasping mise en scène is critical for anyone who makes or seriously watches any kind of visual content. For directors and producers, mise en scène… Continue reading 20 Mise en Scène Elements Every Filmmaker Needs to Know

What is Overexposure in Photography & How to Fix It

Knowing how to properly expose your shots is an obvious first step for becoming a photographer or cinematographer. We’ll lay out examples and visuals to answer what is overexposure in photography. But we’ll also take a look at why overexposing photos with intention sometimes works (sometimes doesn’t) and the ways in which you can break… Continue reading What is Overexposure in Photography & How to Fix It

Best Kids Movies of All Time — Classics Every Kid Should See

There are a lot of great kids movies to watch, whether you’re looking for something to show your children, niece/nephews, classroom, etc. – or you’re just looking to reconnect with your childhood. We’re going to rank the best kids movies of all time based on three criteria: visuals, creativity, and moral/insightful message.  Note: we tried to… Continue reading Best Kids Movies of All Time — Classics Every Kid Should See

What Happened to Every Frame a Painting? — A Eulogy

In April 2014, a YouTube channel named Every Frame a Painting was created and it changed the course of film criticism forever. Over the course of three years, Every Frame a Painting founders Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou released 28 video essays addressing everything in film from the style of Akira Kurosawa to the editing… Continue reading What Happened to Every Frame a Painting? — A Eulogy

Screenwriter Salary: How Much Do Screenwriters Really Make in 2022

You’ve heard stories about studios paying millions of dollars for scripts. Probably prompting the deserved question, “How much do screenwriters make?” Today, we’re going to take a look at the events that got the spec market to where it is today. But we’ve got the insider’s perspective, and we’ve done the research. You’ll leave this… Continue reading Screenwriter Salary: How Much Do Screenwriters Really Make in 2022

Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV

You’re looking for a movie and TV genre list, maybe for inspiration, but every list you find has categories that are either too broad or so hyper-specific that it becomes overwhelming. We’ve created the perfect movie and TV genre list that will explain the various categories of film and television with their specific subgenres, and we’ll… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Movie Genres — 90+ Genre Examples for Film & TV