A plot is a crucial element for any story, and I challenge you to think of a great film or book that has a mediocre plot. But plot often seems to get confused or conflated with the characters, setting, and theme. In this post, we’re going to define plot, explain why it’s important, and then… Continue reading What Is a Plot? Types of Plot, Definitions, and Examples
Eating, drinking, sleeping, and sex are elements of human behavior we all share. The difference with sex is that it has been deemed taboo for centuries. That moral standard has been loosening for decades now, and sex has become a more significant part of mainstream entertainment. But just because we CAN show sex in movies doesn’t… Continue reading How to Write and Direct Sex Scenes
You’ve finished the greatest story ever told. Now how do you protect your screenplay? It’s a good idea to learn how to copyright a script because, as a writer, the last thing you need is a legal battle. While Final Draft provides a link to WGA script registration, you might want to take it a… Continue reading How to Copyright a Script and Protect Your Screenplay
It’s incredibly hard to make any movie, but a perfect movie? That’s nearly impossible without a great set of script notes. Today we’ll learn how script notes catapulted Back to the Future into theaters and changed history forever. Travel with us as we talk about casting, rewrites, and the development process. Hop in! Where we’re going, we… Continue reading How Script Notes Can Improve Your Screenplay [With Example]
P lot structure is the most critical thing about a movie. Plot structure is what keeps your script, and movie, compelling. It keeps your audiences entertained. It keeps any reader reading.Continue reading Plot Structure Tools to Help You Master the Art of Dramatic Writing
F ilmmaker Joel Coen has said, “If the material is challenging, it forces you to challenge yourself when handling it.” For the past 30 years Joel, along with his brother Ethan, have created films that tackle the most comical and confounding aspects of human nature. Continue reading Top Screenwriting Tips and Strategies From the Coen Brothers