Shot reverse shot may seem like a simple concept, but the truly great filmmakers know how to use it to achieve unique results. Want to make your scenes more dynamic, robust, and powerful? In this post, we take examples of shot reverse shot, reaction shots, scene coverage, and cutaways to illustrate how you can use these… Continue reading Shot Reverse Shot: Reaction Shots, Cutaways, and Coverage
In the world of film and television, filmmakers use child actors for their special brand of talent and, yes, cuteness. But working with children isn’t a walk in the park. There are responsibilities and rules for working with moppets, especially in Hollywood.Continue reading The Hollywood Trenches: 10 Rules for Working With Child Actors
You might be pretty familiar with the filmmaking process, but there’s a chance you still might be asking yourself, “What is a shooting schedule?” That’s okay. Unless you’re on the production side of things, you may have never encountered this term. Today, Brent from Sharegrid is going to answer “what is a shooting schedule,” and… Continue reading What Is a Shooting Schedule?