What is a Cutaway Shot? How and Why Editors and DP’s Use it

Cinematographers and editors work together to create sequences that resemble reality. Once an editor gets the footage, if there are mistakes that create unintended disorientation, editors need to go to their tool belt. One way to do this is to use cutaway shots.Continue reading What is a Cutaway Shot? How and Why Editors and DP’s… Continue reading What is a Cutaway Shot? How and Why Editors and DP’s Use it

How to Shoot B-Roll Footage on the Cheap

B-Roll BasicsBest B-Roll WebsitesHow To Shoot B-Roll We’ve all seen B-roll in our favorite content, but how does a filmmaker shoot cinematic B-roll footage without a big budget? Our video below will take you through these considerations step-by-step so that you can learn how to shoot B-roll efficiently while also elevating your music video, commercials,… Continue reading How to Shoot B-Roll Footage on the Cheap

What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone

Types of FramingOpen menu Establishing Shot Single Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Insert Shot POV Shot More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now You’ve written a script or maybe you’re trying to figure out a script’s shot list. You know what the film is about… Continue reading What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone

What is Deep Depth of Field? Definition and Examples

Dof basicsShallow dofDeep dofDOF GuideTYPES OF CAMERA FOCUS If you’re just getting your feet wet in photography or videography, you’ve probably heard one million terms tossed around that either mean nothing to you…yet, or you know of them, sort of, but you’re not entirely sure how they all work together. Whatever your skill level, this… Continue reading What is Deep Depth of Field? Definition and Examples

What is Depth of Field? Examples of Shallow vs Deep Depth of Field

Dof basicsShallow dofDeep dofDOF GuideTYPES OF CAMERA FOCUS If you’re hoping to become a great photographer or videographer, utilizing every tool at your disposal is the safest and smartest way to get there. One tool that can level-up your skill set is depth of field. Understanding depth of field is tantamount to not only craft,… Continue reading What is Depth of Field? Examples of Shallow vs Deep Depth of Field

Focal Length: An Easy Guide to Using and Understanding Camera Lenses

Types of FocusOpen menu Shallow Focus Deep Focus Rack Focus Zoom Shots Dolly-Zoom (Zolly) Tilt-Shift More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now Every choice you make as a filmmaker will change your footage. Some choices are bigger than others, one of which is focal length.Continue reading… Continue reading Focal Length: An Easy Guide to Using and Understanding Camera Lenses

What is an Insert Shot: How to Build Clever Inserts like The Coen Brothers

Types of FramingOpen menu Establishing Shot Single Shot Two Shot Over the Shoulder Insert Shot POV Shot More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now Insert shots are the unsung hero of filmmaking. They’re used in feature films, documentaries, and commercials. They may seem simple, but getting… Continue reading What is an Insert Shot: How to Build Clever Inserts like The Coen Brothers

Shot Reverse Shot: Reaction Shots, Cutaways, and Coverage

Shot reverse shot may seem like a simple concept, but the truly great filmmakers know how to use it to achieve unique results. Want to make your scenes more dynamic, robust, and powerful? In this post, we take examples of shot reverse shot, reaction shots, scene coverage, and cutaways to illustrate how you can use these… Continue reading Shot Reverse Shot: Reaction Shots, Cutaways, and Coverage

How ShareGrid Creates a Music Video Shot List [Shot List Example]

When you get to a certain level in the film and television industry, certain things start to become standard. If you’re new to set, or a seasoned vet, you want to make sure you conduct yourself in the way expected. Today we’re going to talk to Brent, from Sharegrid, about how and why a professional… Continue reading How ShareGrid Creates a Music Video Shot List [Shot List Example]

Mastering the Shot List: Alejandro González Inarritu

Filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu has said, “Fear of the unknown is a great creative partner.” Throughout Inarritu’s filmography the director has continually embraced the uncertainty of life’s moments; allowing his audiences to cry with joy and scream with fear. Here are four ways Inarritu’s shooting style influences the emotions of his narratives.  Continue reading Mastering the Shot… Continue reading Mastering the Shot List: Alejandro González Inarritu

Mastering the Shot List: Andrei Tarkovsky

Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky once said, “If during my work I find that a shot or a take might resemble what has already been done by another great director, I modify the scene to prevent that from happening.” Although the auteur only completed seven feature films, his singular cinematic style continues to inspire audiences. Here are some… Continue reading Mastering the Shot List: Andrei Tarkovsky

Mastering the Shot List: Christopher Nolan

Best Nolan MoviesNolan’s Directing StyleNolan Directing Tips Nolan’s CirclesNolan’s Shot List From The Dark Knight to Interstellar, Christopher Nolan movies take full advantage of the medium, creating realities that often operate by their own rules.Of course, story is at the foundation of these creations, but what helps to maintain the viewer’s attention are the shot list… Continue reading Mastering the Shot List: Christopher Nolan