The world of animated movies has opened doors to limitless types of stories. It’s limitlessness, however, comes at the cost of labor. The innumerable moving parts of an animated movie production are all overseen by a director. While it can sound like an overwhelming task, directing an animated movie can be broken down more simply.… Continue reading How to Direct an Animated Movie From A to Z in 10 Steps
Animation has undoubtedly opened countless doors in the stories filmmakers are able to tell. It has allowed worlds, characters, and adventures to seep out of the imagination of artists and onto the big screen. Many are drawn to the world of animation because of its limitless possibilities. If you are one of the many, at one… Continue reading Best Animation Software — 2D, 3D, Paid, and Free Options
Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what… Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Oct 2020)
Television shows have a lot of moving parts — almost every show employs numerous writers and directors. So, how do you make sure everything functions as it should while guaranteeing the overall creative vision of the series? This is the job of a showrunner — a position more like the conductor of an orchestra. We’ll… Continue reading What is a Showrunner? What it Means to Literally Run the Show
Introducing StudioBinder’s screenplay library — your one-stop-shop for reading, downloading, and analyzing the best movie scripts online. Our collection contains all the feature-length screenplays in our database as well as scripts that we have broken down by plot, character, ending, quotes, and more. Our hope is that screenwriters everywhere can have access to these iconic… Continue reading Explore and Read the Best Free Movie Scripts Online (with PDF Downloads)
The Office script for the series pilot is the foundation for one of the most popular comedies ever made. However, there were several things in the pilot that didn’t connect with American audiences. In this article, we’re going to break down The Office pilot script by looking at plot, scene choice and characters. Ultimately, we’re… Continue reading The Office Script PDF Download: Plot, Scene, and Script Analysis
Martin Scorsese is the true king of cinema. While most filmmakers are lucky to have just one film that stands the test of time, Scorsese has had hit after hit across five decades. Saying “the best Martin Scorsese films” is like saying “the best chili cheese fries” because even when they’re not the greatest, they’re… Continue reading Best Martin Scorsese Films — His Entire Filmography Ranked