The world of animated movies has opened doors to limitless types of stories. It’s limitlessness, however, comes at the cost of labor. The innumerable moving parts of an animated movie production are all overseen by a director. While it can sound like an overwhelming task, directing an animated movie can be broken down more simply.… Continue reading How to Direct an Animated Movie From A to Z in 10 Steps
The initial idea for Coco came about in 2010 when Lee Unkrich pitched a movie to Pixar about an American boy learning about his Mexican heritage. The film went through various rewrites, at one point being more of a straightforward musical. Finally, it became one of the best movies in Pixar’s canon with funny quotes,… Continue reading Coco Script PDF Download: Plot, Quotes, and Analysis
Pixar shorts inspire imagination. They win awards. They deliver the goods. We’ve watched and compiled the best 21 Pixar short films right here, from the first Pixar movie to the most recent. They’re sure to entertain, trigger creativity, and — for filmmakers — spark short film ideas of your own. Storytellers, take heed: there’s a… Continue reading 24 Best Pixar Shorts That You Need to Watch