Animation has allowed storytellers to tell stories in unique ways. The visceral fantastical worlds in animated films can reignite inspiration and the magic of stories no matter what age. So if you’re a storyteller, or want to be, the animation is a great place to start. So what is animation? And what are the types… Continue reading What is Animation? Definition and Types of Animation
Ever since Disney Plus launched, fans of all ages have been able to relive classic films from their childhoods. But since it’s Disney, people can now watch Star Wars and Marvel movies with the click of a button. Disney Plus has films from decades ago, so it may feel a bit overwhelming to decide what… Continue reading Best Disney Plus Movies You Can Watch Right Now (Oct 2020)
The dinner scene. We’re all familiar with an awkward dinner, but some films elevate this mundane practice into pure art. Screenwriting is all about writing what you know, and these writers knew the dinner table was an ideal place for horror, dramatic irony, and comedy. These are the best dinner scenes in movies of all… Continue reading Best Dinner Scenes in Movies and Why They Work
There’s more than one occasion to break out the pint of ice cream and dive into the genre of romance. Whether you are going through a breakup, looking for a romantic watch with your significant other, or searching for a rom-com to watch with roommates on movie night, finding a great romantic film can be… Continue reading Best Romantic Movies of All Time, Ranked for Filmmakers
Over the years, animated movies have changed the landscape of cinema with fantastic imagery, other-wordly stories, and sobering morals. We all remember watching animated movies when we were children, whether it be the work of Disney, Pixar, Studio Ghibli, Dreamworks, or another production house – but there’s so much more to animated movies than what… Continue reading Best Animated Movies of All Time — From Aardman to Zootopia
The idea for The Lion King came in late 1988 when Roy E. Disney, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Peter Schneider had the idea to have an animated film set in Africa. The screenplay went through numerous stages, and over time, it became the classic film millions of people love today with heartfelt quotes, lovable characters, and… Continue reading The Lion King Script PDF Download: Plot, Quotes, and Analysis