What is primitivism? The answer is complex and requires some historical and cultural context to fully understand. Primitivism bridges the gap between art and philosophy and has a tumultuous history. We’ll get started with an overview definition, then dig into the roots of the artistic style and the artists who pioneered it in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of primitivism.
What is Primitivism
Let’s Define Primitivism
Primitivism is one of numerous art styles and movements throughout history. You can learn about them all in our art styles index.
What is Primitivism?
Primitivism began in the late 1800s and harkened back to much earlier times. It is an interconnected art style and philosophical doctrine. The core theory driving primitivism is that primitive humans and unsophisticated behaviors were more noble and innocent than modern, civilized people. Some experts consider primitivism a “found sensibility and cultural attitude” more than an art style unto itself. Primitivist ideals can be combined with other art styles. Fauvism and Cubism are thought to have arisen as a direct result of primitivism. Primitivism can be found in the traditional arts, in music, in philosophical ideals, and in literature.
Primitivism Art Characteristics:
- Can be combined with other art styles
- Began within tribal societies
- Nostalgic for a long ago time
When Did Primitivism Start
The Roots of Primitivism
Primitivism as an art style comes from a mix of artwork from ancient cultures and the native art styles found in contemporary tribal societies. Often, primitivist works are produced through a western lens. Primitivism was at one point considered an “ethnic art style” in the west, until western artists began co-opting the style for their own work. Colonialism played a major role in the development of primitivism as an art style.
A lesson on primitivism • primitivism art characteristics
It would not be wrong to call the primitivist art style a form of cultural appropriation. In some ways, primitivist art is closer to an escapist fantasy version of a culture than it is to an accurate reflection of a cultural art style. Many of the dominant voices in the primitivist art style were European artists who wanted to make their idealized version of what they considered “uncivilized art”. These perceived “uncivilized” cultures were romanticised by western artists and seen as more pure and/or noble.
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Primitivism Examples
Notable Primitivist Artists
There are many large names connected to the primitivist movement. This is due to the stepping stone that primitivism provided to other art styles like fauvism and cubism.
How Primitivism led to Fauvism and Cubism • what is primitivism in art
Paul Gauguin was one of the most influential names in the primitivist artistic movement. A desire for sexual freedom led Gauguin to experience other cultures outside of his native Europe. He took up residence in Tahiti, and the native art style was directly reflected in his work of the time.
Gauguin’s Spirit of the Dead Watching • primitivism art movement
Pablo Picasso is likely the largest name connected to the primitivist art style. Though best known as a pioneer of the avant-garde art movement, cubism, Pablo Picasso was first a practitioner of primitivism, which directly led to cubism.
Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d'Avignon • primitivism art definition
Another major name in primitivism was Henri Matisse. Along with André Derain, Matisse led the development of fauvism from a foundation of primitivism. African art styles played a major influence in this period of Matisse’s work.
Music by Henri Matisse • primitivism art style
Primitivism played a major role in the development of new art styles. The movement was instrumental in the shift undergone by the broader artistic world around the turn of the century.
Is Photography Art?
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Up Next: Is Photography Art? →
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