How to Develop a Movie Script — Characters, Structure & Goals

You finally started writing that great screenplay idea and put words to paper. But all of a sudden you realize that you may have the foundation of your story, but not the details. This is not an uncommon problem. So we decided to address this uncommon problem and lay out tips that will help you… Continue reading How to Develop a Movie Script — Characters, Structure & Goals

What is Volumetric Lighting — Definition and Examples

What defines a cinematic shot? For many of us, it is the result of masterful cinematography that creates depth, tone, and tells a story through lighting and camera work. One lighting technique that can help achieve all of these things is volumetric lighting. What is volumetric lighting in filmmaking? Odds are, you have seen this… Continue reading What is Volumetric Lighting — Definition and Examples

What is a Cinematographer — And How to Become One

As an inherently visual medium, cinema massively depends on the craft of cinematography. And behind brilliant cinematography is a brilliant cinematographer. As a role that is quite literally behind the camera, the cinematographer’s role is often misunderstood. What is a cinematographer and what do they do? In this article, we’ll provide some clarity on what… Continue reading What is a Cinematographer — And How to Become One

Blade Runner 2049 Cinematography — Lighting, Color & Camera

If you remember only one thing from Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049, it’s probably the visuals. The sandstorm-struck Las Vegas, the neon advertisements, the hypnotic interior of Wallace’s office, the smog-blanketed Los Angeles. Blade Runner 2049 is filled with stunning images that leave impressions that last long after the film is over. It should be… Continue reading Blade Runner 2049 Cinematography — Lighting, Color & Camera

What is Backlight Photography — Lighting Techniques Explained

There are many elements that go into creating a cinematic shot. The key light is important to expose the image. The fill light can determine the visual tone of a shot. But all too overlooked is the backlight. Back lighting can be the determining factor between a flat image and an interesting shot full of… Continue reading What is Backlight Photography — Lighting Techniques Explained

Sicario Cinematography Explained — Lighting & Composition

When a director has a formidable visual style, you need an equally formidable cinematographer. Perhaps that’s why Denis Villeneuve and Roger Deakins have had such a fruitful collaboration. In this post, we’re going to look at their work in Sicario and how elements like lighting and composition were used to support the themes at play.… Continue reading Sicario Cinematography Explained — Lighting & Composition

What is a Tracking Shot? 25 Best Tracking Shot Examples

What is a tracking shot? They are really fun to watch, but difficult to film. We’ve put together a list of the best tracking shots of all time. Then we break down everything you’ll need to consider when blocking and planning a tracking shot in your own projects.Continue reading What is a Tracking Shot? 25 Best Tracking… Continue reading What is a Tracking Shot? 25 Best Tracking Shot Examples

Water Light Reflection in Blade Runner — Deakins Explains How

In 2018, Roger Deakins finally won his first Oscar for Best Cinematography for Blade Runner 2049. And the world was not one bit shocked. As one of the most well respected cinematographers in the business, Deakins seems unable to make a less than beautiful film.  So we decided to take a look at the tricks and… Continue reading Water Light Reflection in Blade Runner — Deakins Explains How

Academy Award for Best Cinematography — Top 20 Winners

The Academy Award for best cinematography is one of the most prestigious honors bestowed each year at the Oscars. The best cinematography Oscar has been around since the inception of the award ceremony but it underwent a great deal of experimentation and evolution in the early years.Continue reading Academy Award for Best Cinematography — Top… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Cinematography — Top 20 Winners

The 27 Best Film Cinematographers That Everyone Should Know

The best cinematographers are artists, technicians, diplomats, and accountants. Choosing the best cinematographers is tough and extremely subjective but this list is full of talented people. If you want your film to look like it was shot by one of the world’s best cinematographers, read on. We’ve broken down the key cinematic techniques that the… Continue reading The 27 Best Film Cinematographers That Everyone Should Know

What is Practical Lighting in Film? Tips and Techniques Explained

There are various elements that contribute to a cinematic shot. Depth, naturalism, and dynamic lighting styles can all result in stunning cinematography. A simple and direct way to introduce all three into a shot is by using practical lighting. Practical lighting is so effective because it aims to utilize light not just to properly expose a… Continue reading What is Practical Lighting in Film? Tips and Techniques Explained

What is a Rim Light — 3 Point Lighting Techniques Explained

Cinematography and photography is naturally a two-dimensional medium. However, great cinematographers and photographers utilize light to create three-dimensional effects. One of the tools they have to do this is the rim light.  A rim light can keep an image from falling flat. Rim lighting can bring out shapes, textures, and contours that make an image appear… Continue reading What is a Rim Light — 3 Point Lighting Techniques Explained

How Was 1917 Filmed — The Making of 1917 Explained

1917 was one of the most technically innovative and daring films ever made… but how was 1917 filmed? The production of 1917 utilized more than 500 extras in an effort to retain as much authenticity as possible – and it called for body exhuming, bird conservation, and stringent cloud coverage. We’re going to explore how… Continue reading How Was 1917 Filmed — The Making of 1917 Explained

What is the Exposure Triangle? Aperture, ISO and Shutter Speed

Exposure Triangle Aperture ISO Shutter Speed Frame Rate Shot List Creator Light is responsible for every image captured in both photography and cinematography. How a camera captures light is determined by three variables that make up what is known as the exposure triangle. What is the exposure triangle? How can each one of its three… Continue reading What is the Exposure Triangle? Aperture, ISO and Shutter Speed

5 Best Film Lighting Techniques: Filmmaker’s Guide to a Cinematic Look

S hooting projects on a budget can mean limitations on your gear. So how can you maintain a “cinematic” look without a cube truck full of lighting equipment? In today’s post, we’ll examine what exactly it means to have a cinematic look. Then we’ll break down several lighting techniques that are achievable on any budget. Although… Continue reading 5 Best Film Lighting Techniques: Filmmaker’s Guide to a Cinematic Look

Academy Award for Best Director — Oscar Winners Ranked

The Academy Award for Best Director is the most prestigious honor any director can receive — well, at least in theory it is. You may be shocked to find out that many of “the greatest directors of all-time,” like Alfred Hitchock, Orson Welles, Akira Kurosawa, Stanley Kubrick, Fritz Lang, Ingmar Bergman, and Federico Fellini never… Continue reading Academy Award for Best Director — Oscar Winners Ranked