Animation has allowed storytellers to tell stories in unique ways. The visceral fantastical worlds in animated films can reignite inspiration and the magic of stories no matter what age. So if you’re a storyteller, or want to be, the animation is a great place to start. So what is animation? And what are the types… Continue reading What is Animation? Definition and Types of Animation
Have you ever wondered how Wallace & Gromit and the works of Laika are created? It’s all thanks to a little animation technique known as claymation. Figurines made out of clay come to life, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities for animators. But what is claymation and how do you know if making… Continue reading What is Claymation — A History of Claymation Movies
Stop motion movies are no easy feat. When it comes to animating features, creating and manipulating frame by frame, giving us the appearance of movement, takes years to complete. But the final product can bring a story to life in ways never imagined with live-action. Stop motion movies have such an appeal that even the… Continue reading The 10 Absolute Best Stop Motion Movies