What is a triadic color scheme? How can it be utilized in your filmmaking efforts, why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? We will be answering each of these questions, taking a look at the power and psychology of color in storytelling, and showcasing examples of triadic color schemes… Continue reading What is a Triadic Color Scheme — Definition and Examples
What are monochromatic colors? What is a monochromatic color scheme in filmmaking? Why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? These are the questions we’ll be answering alongside a dive into the purpose and psychology of color in storytelling and a look at some of the best examples of monochromatic… Continue reading What is a Monochromatic Color Scheme — Definition, Examples
What is an analogous color scheme? How can it be utilized in your filmmaking efforts, why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? We will be answering each of these questions, examining how analogous colors function in traditional art, taking a look at the psychology of color in storytelling, and… Continue reading What is an Analogous Color Scheme — Definition and Examples
What is colorization? Back in the early days of filmmaking, color was something reserved for movies few and far between. But as the years went by, more and more movies began to be made in color. However, many filmmakers and critics in Hollywood expressed outrage at the idea of adding color to classic black-and-white movies.… Continue reading Film Colorization Process & The Debate Over Colorized Movies
Color grading is a critical, yet tedious aspect of the Post-Production process. One of the best tools a filmmaker has to save time without compromising great color grading are LUTs. LUTs are used by both professional and amateur filmmakers for both their convenience and their cinematic effects. Many of the best free LUTs are now generously… Continue reading 7 Best Free LUTs You Need to Make More Cinematic Videos
What is a complementary color scheme? How can it be utilized in your filmmaking efforts, why does it matter and how is it different from other color palettes? We will be answering each of these questions and taking a look at the psychology of color in storytelling and showcasing some of the best complementary color… Continue reading What is a Complementary Color Scheme — Definition, Examples
Color grading can completely transform the look of your video, but unless you’ve spent years inside a coloring house, you may not have the technical know-how to achieve the desired look. The right LUT can help turbocharge this. So what is a LUT?Continue reading What are LUTs? The Ultimate Guide to Color Grading
There are a ton of professionals involved in Post-Production, and trusting each other probably matters more in ‘post’ than any other time in the filmmaking process. These are the final steps and they’re the glue that holds the movie together, literally. So, what is Post-Production, who’s involved, and what should you consider before it begins?… Continue reading What is Post-Production? A Quick Rundown & Why Trust Matters
D irector Ridley Scott has said: “Life isn’t black and white. It’s a million gray areas.” From Alien to Gladiator, Ridley Scott movies explore the often difficult questions surrounding morality and existence. Actions accepted in one reality, may be condemned in another. But what helps Ridley Scott films dissect these complex issues are their use of… Continue reading How to Create A Movie Color Palette Like Ridley Scott [FREE LUT Pack]