If you’re creative, and you envision yourself in a leadership role, you might have thought about how to become a Creative Director. But in addition to having creative vision, to be a creative director requires well-developed soft skills (listening, collaboration). Not to mention, these executive level positions take time to work towards. Let’s look at… Continue reading What is a Creative Director — Job Description & Duties Explained
The Rotten Tomatoes ratings system―good or bad? Well, I’d say it’s a bit better than the original way tomatoes were used to judge entertainment. Because even if we want to throw fruit at the screen, 21st century technology reminds us we don’t have to. Rotten Tomatoes will provide us with a fair Critic consensus before… Continue reading Rotten Tomatoes Ratings — How Does Rotten Tomatoes Work?
T he race is on to find the next creative digital advertising trends.Continue reading The Best Creative Digital Advertising Trends For 2022
W hen brands tackle important issues, and use their massive reach to spread positivity, they create win-win content for their viewers. Making inspiring ads is no easy task. But if you start with a genuine message and a firm understanding of how advertising techniques work, you can naturally stir up emotional responses from your audience.… Continue reading The Most Inspiring Ads For 2022 That Every Agency Should See
T he best advertising and marketing campaigns seem to come out of nowhere, don’t they?Continue reading Learning from the Best Marketing and Advertising Campaigns of 2022
HomeEthosPathoslogosTelosKairos w ho couldn’t use a little more power in their powers of persuasion? Whether you’re a video advertiser, MBA student, or high school sophomore trying out for the debate team, you need to know how to win over your audience.Continue reading What is Ethos? The Best Advertising and Commercial Examples that Define Ethos
Want your movie to have a professional movie poster? Every “one sheet” movie poster has ONE thing in common. It’s called “the billing block,” which is the industry-standard way of formatting movie poster credits. However, those variable fonts and specific movie poster credits “looks” are tough to format. Don’t worry. To make a movie poster… Continue reading How to Make a Movie Poster [Free Movie Poster Credits Template]
H ow can you describe your entire movie in only a few words? All that hard work, time, and money comes down to a simple phrase: the movie tagline. We combed through countless taglines, and picked the best movie taglines of all time so you can better craft your own. Let’s go!Continue reading The Best Movie… Continue reading The Best Movie Taglines — 75 Examples And Why They Work
HomeEthosPathoslogosTelosKairos Want to make more compelling videos? Whether you’re directing a commercial, launching an ad campaign, or developing branded content, you need a clear purpose. You also have to appreciate that viewers approach your content with goals of their own. Meeting in the middle is where marketing and advertising magic happens.Continue reading What is Telos:… Continue reading What is Telos: The Ultimate Guide to Understand Telos for Video Marketing
If you own a business, there’s no excuse for not running Instagram ads. They are by far the most critical piece of your campaign. You can run your campaigns on all other social platforms, but nothing will have the reach or engagement, quite like an Instagram ad. Why? Let’s check it out. Continue reading Instagram… Continue reading Instagram Ads: The Complete Guide to Advertising on Instagram
There are a ton of professionals involved in Post-Production, and trusting each other probably matters more in ‘post’ than any other time in the filmmaking process. These are the final steps and they’re the glue that holds the movie together, literally. So, what is Post-Production, who’s involved, and what should you consider before it begins?… Continue reading What is Post-Production? A Quick Rundown & Why Trust Matters
Branded content is a powerful marketing technique that can elicit emotions in its consumers, build trust between consumer and brand, and increase brand revenue. If done well, it can be extremely effective, but it often receives a negative connotation as skeptics wonder if the hyper-dramatized content often associated with it, is working only for the… Continue reading What is Branded Content? Examples from Successful Campaigns
I think we can agree that the ads are oftentimes the most exciting and emotional posts on social media. Good content is good content, plain and simple. As new media platforms have taken up a huge percentage of our collective cultural experience, social media advertising has become a legitimate, prominent, and cost-effective way to reach consumers.… Continue reading How Can You Kickstart Your Social Media Advertising?