First and last impressions are life and death on YouTube. But luckily there are some excellent YouTube intro templates that will prove that your video is a quality watch. In addition to a solid intro, if you don’t plug your content at the end of your video, you won’t get the traffic you deserve.Continue reading… Continue reading How To Make An Intro For Your YouTube Video [FREE Template]
Learning how to make a documentary is no easy task. To engage in documentary filmmaking you must brave the unknown, and capture a story that unfolds in its own unpredictable way. Continue reading Documentary Filmmaking: How to Make a Documentary in 5 Steps
So you want to know how to make a commercial for your brand. Maybe you know what idea you want but are unsure of how to best concept and shoot it.Continue reading How to Make a Commercial by Mastering Persuasive Ads in 5 Steps
A uthor John Steinbeck once said, “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” Managing travel for an international film production adds challenges to an already challenging process. There’s a minutiae of critical detail that needs to be considered in order for everything to run smoothly. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned veteran, here are… Continue reading 9 Keys to Planning Travel on an International Production
Signing film contracts may feel like a formality on smaller productions, a Crew Deal Memo, Producer/Director Contract or Talent Release has real meaning. It is a legally binding employment agreement and should be drafted and signed with care. Here are some best practices to guide you through the process.Continue reading 4 Things To Consider Before… Continue reading 4 Things To Consider Before Signing a Film Contract