How To Make An Intro For Your YouTube Video [FREE Template]

First and last impressions are life and death on YouTube. But luckily there are some excellent YouTube intro templates that will prove that your video is a quality watch. In addition to a solid intro, if you don’t plug your content at the end of your video, you won’t get the traffic you deserve.Continue reading… Continue reading How To Make An Intro For Your YouTube Video [FREE Template]

How to Create a TV Show Pitch Bible that Sells [with FREE Show Bible Template]

You have a great idea for a TV show. That’s why you’re here. You know what the pilot is going to be. The big twist at the end of season one. How about the Second season, and the third, and fourth. And the spinoff? The prequels? The movie?Continue reading How to Create a TV Show… Continue reading How to Create a TV Show Pitch Bible that Sells [with FREE Show Bible Template]

How to Make a Call Sheet Online with StudioBinder’s Call Sheet Software

C reating call sheets is time consuming, complicated and necessary. But what if you had an easy to use call sheet template that you could apply to all your projects? What StudioBinder offers is a simple and clear way to create, send and track a call sheet template online. In this post, I’m going to show… Continue reading How to Make a Call Sheet Online with StudioBinder’s Call Sheet Software

9 Keys to Planning Travel on an International Production

A uthor John Steinbeck once said, “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” Managing travel for an international film production adds challenges to an already challenging process. There’s a minutiae of critical detail that needs to be considered in order for everything to run smoothly. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned veteran, here are… Continue reading 9 Keys to Planning Travel on an International Production

Working With Celebrity Talent: How I Learned To Respect the Kardashians

Working with talent used to fill me with dread.  Celebrity talent was even worse. Dealing with handlers, agents, lawyers and even personal assistants can try any producer’s patience. But it’s part of the business. If you want to make movies you have to learn to work with demanding celebrities.Continue reading Working With Celebrity Talent: How… Continue reading Working With Celebrity Talent: How I Learned To Respect the Kardashians

4 Things To Consider Before Signing a Film Contract

Signing film contracts may feel like a formality on smaller productions, a Crew Deal Memo, Producer/Director Contract or Talent Release has real meaning. It is a legally binding employment agreement and should be drafted and signed with care. Here are some best practices to guide you through the process.Continue reading 4 Things To Consider Before… Continue reading 4 Things To Consider Before Signing a Film Contract