Strong Female Characters in Film — With 5 Tips on Writing Them

Over the last few years, Hollywood has tried to reinvent its definition of the “strong female protagonist” – but the result has been mixed. Although there has been a greater representation of empowered women in Hollywood films, there has also been a dissolution of nuanced characters. All of this begs the question: how do you… Continue reading Strong Female Characters in Film — With 5 Tips on Writing Them

What is a Flat Character — Types of Character Arcs Explained

When you think of the most iconic films in cinema, odds are there is a well-rounded, memorable, maybe even complex character attached to it. However, you may be surprised that many of these great films also use simple characters that lack complexity. These are flat characters. What is a flat character arc? In this article,… Continue reading What is a Flat Character — Types of Character Arcs Explained

Betty Draper: How They Wrote Mad Men’s Most Tragic Character

Mad Men is one of television’s best period pieces. It not only uses the 1960s as a backdrop and setting for the show, it imbues its dialogue, story, and characters with the details of the times. Every character reflects the 1960s in one way or another. In this article, we’ll analyze how Betty Draper’s tragic… Continue reading Betty Draper: How They Wrote Mad Men’s Most Tragic Character

Who is This Person? Finding a Character Using the Script Breakdown

There’s an old film school thought experiment that asks about a character, “What does he have in his refrigerator?” In this post, we’re going to practice that experiment.We can learn plenty about who a character is from the things they say, as well as the things others say about them. But we also learn who… Continue reading Who is This Person? Finding a Character Using the Script Breakdown

What is Conflict in a Story? A Quick Reminder of the Purpose of Conflict

We all know that conflict is needed to keep viewers engaged, to create an emotional response, and to ultimately, push the story forward. Without conflict in a story, the film, show, or novel, may seem a bit, well, boring. It’s also true that conflict can be defined by all of the “types” that exist —… Continue reading What is Conflict in a Story? A Quick Reminder of the Purpose of Conflict

TV Character Development [Character Profile Sheet Template] — TV Writing & Development: Ep2

EPISODE 2TV WRITING & DEVELOPMENT MASTERCLASSCharacter Development:FREE Character Profile Sheet TemplateA great television show needs great characters. Unlike film, television teases out character development over several seasons. We take you through the basics, and provide a FREE character profile sheet.  SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE ← BACK TO PREVIOUS PAGE WATCH NEXT EPISODE → TV character development:… Continue reading TV Character Development [Character Profile Sheet Template] — TV Writing & Development: Ep2

How To Write The Best Character Arc with Examples [FREE Story Speedometer]

Writing a great character arc is a challenge. Great characters and their arcs are what drive a plot, make a story relatable, and memorable.  In this post, we’re going to teach you how to write a great character arc using a tool we created called the Story Speedometer. It’s the fastest way to make sure your… Continue reading How To Write The Best Character Arc with Examples [FREE Story Speedometer]