Shooting a documentary is very different from shooting a narrative film. In many ways it can be on the cuff, guerilla style shooting. Documentaries can also be made of properly planned and composed shoots. Great documentaries are made of both and thus require an organized documentary shooting schedule. Creating a documentary shooting schedule is an effective… Continue reading How to Create a Documentary Shooting Schedule
If you’ve used StudioBinder’s project management tools before, you know the value of managing a project collaboratively under one roof. However, for those of us who work in commercial television production using AV scripts, we’re left on the outside looking in, right? Not necessarily. The way I see it is, StudioBinder is a tool which… Continue reading TV Commercial Production Process — From Script to Schedule
Everyone loves options. Especially when it comes down to money, and as we all in the filmmaking world know, time is money. So, if you’re an AD, having multiple versions of the shooting schedule comes in handy when presenting to the higher ups. So, how do you do that? With StudioBinder’s version history manager, which… Continue reading How to Create Multiple Shooting Schedules & Why You Should
If you’ve ever been an AD on a production you know how massive a shooting schedule can become, especially on a feature. So much so, that when printing one out, you should probably add a line to your budget for paper and ink. That’s where our dear friend the one-liner comes in. Follow along for… Continue reading How to Create a One Line Schedule for Any Production
How you do ensure your shooting schedule makes the most of your actors’ time, and more importantly, your money? While shooting schedule software organize what happens each day of the shoot, it can’t optimize itself to make sure dead time is eliminated as much as possible. In order to make sure your schedule is airtight,… Continue reading Day Out of Days Reports Explained
There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to scheduling your film shoot. In fact, every producer has their own tried and true method to scheduling their shoot. But for as many scenes that you create, there is an equal number of possibilities when it comes to arranging them. There are many ways to… Continue reading Hierarchy of Considerations When Scheduling a Shoot
Musicals are a special breed of filmmaking that requires a LOT of preparation and planning to pull off. There is singing, and dancing, and music. And it all has to be presented in the script in a particular way. In this post we’ll look at some of the special considerations that go into making a musical… Continue reading How to Schedule a Musical: Breaking Down La La Land
L et’s face it, shooting schedules can be super complicated. Who’s available when? How do we shoot the most expensive elements? It’s easy to forget that a production schedule is as much a psychological tool as it is a logistical one. Here’s how to make a schedule for your shoot that will increase the productivity and… Continue reading 15 Pro Tips to Create a More Encouraging Production Schedule
You might be pretty familiar with the filmmaking process, but there’s a chance you still might be asking yourself, “What is a shooting schedule?” That’s okay. Unless you’re on the production side of things, you may have never encountered this term. Today, Brent from Sharegrid is going to answer “what is a shooting schedule,” and… Continue reading What Is a Shooting Schedule?
I think we can all agree that making a movie is hard work. Throw a few bumps in the road and it can get hectic. That’s where having a flexible shooting schedule comes in handy. Today we’re going to go over one of the most insane movie productions ever, The Revenant, and show you how… Continue reading The Revenant Movie: A Shooting Schedule Nightmare
Think you’d agree with me if I said production scheduling is a tedious process. Most production scheduling software like Movie Magic Scheduling is antiquated (and that’s putting it lightly). It’s confusing, expensive, and often time is not worth the trouble.Continue reading Production Scheduling Explained: How to Make a Scene Breakdown
W e all know that production is messy. Put a bunch of people in a room and you’re lucky if you can organize what to get for lunch. That’s where our Gantt chart Excel template comes in.Continue reading Mastering Your Production Calendar [Free Gantt Chart Excel Template]
A uthor John Steinbeck once said, “People don’t take trips, trips take people.” Managing travel for an international film production adds challenges to an already challenging process. There’s a minutiae of critical detail that needs to be considered in order for everything to run smoothly. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned veteran, here are… Continue reading 9 Keys to Planning Travel on an International Production
Whether it’s a corporate video, a fashion photoshoot, or a big budget adventure film, all productions are always fighting for resources. Not just money, but time. This is where film production calendar templates and software can save the day.Continue reading How Video Producers Use Film Production Calendar Templates and Software
If Sun Tzu wrote “The Art of Production” he’d probably say that every production battle is won before it’s fought. An effective battle plan is the shooting schedule, and it’s the difference between making our days and staying under budget.Continue reading Stop Making These 6 Common Shooting Schedule Mistakes
Your film scheduling software might be able to juggle your cast, crew, and locations perfectly. You may even be using an excellent shooting schedule template. But here’s the truth. Even if the logistics are rock solid, your schedule may not be. Here are ten pro tips to help you create a shooting schedule that actually… Continue reading 10 Shooting Schedule Pro Tips to Build Momentum on Set
Today, I’m going to show you how to schedule a ten-page shoot if you’re looking to maximize your budget constraints. Shooting ten pages in a day is a worst-case scenario, but sometimes those worst-case scenarios can happen on your production. When they do, your shooting schedule needs to be very precise and prepared.Continue reading Shooting… Continue reading Shooting Schedule Pro Tips for a 10-Page Shoot Day