One of the most important parts of any project is your cast. A great cast can make or break your film or project. But many filmmakers look at the casting process as a path of least resistance. There are several ways to make the right casting decisions that will drastically improve your chances for success.… Continue reading The Best Casting Tips for Directors and Producers
Michael Bay movies are more than a complex assembly of explosions. He’s a skilled craftsman from which filmmakers, young and old, can learn a lot from his films. If you’re hoping for another post that attacks Bay as a poor filmmaker… you’re in the wrong place. In this post, we break down the directing style of… Continue reading What is Bayhem? ― Michael Bay Directing Style
If you’re a filmmaker of any kind, you need to know the rules of cinema and video production. Understanding these rules give you control over your images. One of the most important rules to know is the 180 degree rule.Continue reading What is the 180 Degree Rule in Film? Crossing the Line with Purpose
The feature film Creed made $109,767,581 at the box office. Want to see how StudioBinder’s software can create a shot list for one of the scenes?Continue reading How to Create a Shot List Like ‘Creed’ [Shot List Example]
A re you a runner and gunner? If so, this is for you: We teamed up with adventurer and filmmaker Matt Komo, to find out how he keeps his projects organized while on the move.Continue reading Made in StudioBinder: How Lifestyle Filmmaker Matt Komo Shot Lists
A lbert Einstein said, “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” Music of course is a powerful device. It has the ability to entertain, inspire and even heal. But with the mainstream introduction… Continue reading The Best Music Videos & Trends for Creatives
Learning how to make a documentary is no easy task. To engage in documentary filmmaking you must brave the unknown, and capture a story that unfolds in its own unpredictable way. Continue reading Documentary Filmmaking: How to Make a Documentary in 5 Steps
M ark Twain once said, “Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing.”Continue reading A Complete Guide To The Funniest Commercials
What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard → Stephen King said, “We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” Although horror movies have been effective outlets for entertainment, they have also been the ideal genre to explore the social and cultural fears plaguing societies.Continue reading How To Master… Continue reading How To Master A Storyboard Like Jordan Peele: Get Out
O kay, is there anyone who doesn’t choke up when little Zuzu Bailey says, “Everytime a bell rings, an angel gets its wings,” at the the end of It’s a Wonderful Life? The best Christmas movies vary in style and tone, but they tend to possess certain thematic elements such as forgiveness, charity and devotion. A… Continue reading Mastering the Christmas Movie: Home Alone
Y ou’ve assessed your short film idea and determined that crowdfunding is the best fundraising tool for you. Great! Now you just pick one of the crowdfunding websites and go, right? Well, not quite. Building an effective crowdfunding campaign can be a daunting process. We’ll tackle it step-by-step, starting with the question: which crowdfunding website is right for you?Continue… Continue reading Crowdfunding Movies: The Best Crowdfunding Websites for Your Film
Filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu has said, “Fear of the unknown is a great creative partner.” Throughout Inarritu’s filmography the director has continually embraced the uncertainty of life’s moments; allowing his audiences to cry with joy and scream with fear. Here are four ways Inarritu’s shooting style influences the emotions of his narratives. Continue reading Mastering the Shot… Continue reading Mastering the Shot List: Alejandro González Inarritu
Zack Snyder movies are full of bold color choices. Sometimes this is the color grade, sometimes this is the production design. What drives these decisions, and how can you apply them to your own films? In this post, we’ll take you into our analysis on Zack Snyder movies like The Watchmen, Batman V Superman: Dawn of… Continue reading Mastering the Color Palette: Zack Snyder
Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky once said, “If during my work I find that a shot or a take might resemble what has already been done by another great director, I modify the scene to prevent that from happening.” Although the auteur only completed seven feature films, his singular cinematic style continues to inspire audiences. Here are some… Continue reading Mastering the Shot List: Andrei Tarkovsky
W hat is a lined script? And what does it have to do with your shot list? On the surface, a shot list is exactly what it sounds like. A list of shots that communicates to your crew what camera shots you intend to get. Yet we all know once you get to set, issues arise and something always… Continue reading How to Make a Lined Script and Save Your Shot List
Best Nolan MoviesNolan’s Directing StyleNolan Directing Tips Nolan’s CirclesNolan’s Shot List From The Dark Knight to Interstellar, Christopher Nolan movies take full advantage of the medium, creating realities that often operate by their own rules.Of course, story is at the foundation of these creations, but what helps to maintain the viewer’s attention are the shot list… Continue reading Mastering the Shot List: Christopher Nolan
Commercials are everywhere. They’re on your iPhone, they’re on your television, they’re on the sides of buildings.Continue reading How to Make a Commercial People Will Actually Share
In the age of YouTube, songs are meant to be seen, but producing a music video takes different skills and a different approach altogether. Continue reading How to Shoot a Music Video [FREE Music Video Script Template]