What is Foreshadowing — Definition, Examples in Film and Lit.

Have you ever watched a movie with a plot twist that blew your mind and then watched that movie again and noticed signs leading to the twist? You’re not alone. So, what is foreshadowing? Is it just simply dropping clues or is it something more? Implementing foreshadowing techniques into your story can create anticipation that… Continue reading What is Foreshadowing — Definition, Examples in Film and Lit.

In Medias Res — Definition, Examples & How It Works in Stories

Filmmakers and screenwriters will always be faced with the same challenge for every film: How, when, and where should the film start? One method in a screenwriter’s toolbox when beginning their script is by commencing the story in medias res. But what does in medias res mean, and how is it used? Read more to… Continue reading In Medias Res — Definition, Examples & How It Works in Stories

What is an Archetype — Definition & Examples in Storytelling

What is an archetype? Archetypes play an integral role in how people understand each other – but what are they? We’re going to answer that question as we define archetype, then we’ll look at some archetype examples from classic literature and film. By the end, you’ll know why archetypes are so important for storytellers –… Continue reading What is an Archetype — Definition & Examples in Storytelling

What is Stream of Consciousness Writing — Methods & Tips

As a writer, stream of consciousness may be fun to write but unenjoyable to read. Or for you, the reverse may be true. When talking about screenwriting, stream of consciousness may not be a method frequently used on the page but can be used and benefited from in the pre-writing process or even with visual… Continue reading What is Stream of Consciousness Writing — Methods & Tips

What is Denotation — Definition & Examples for Writers

What is denotation? Denotation is something we apply every second of our lives, but we rarely give conscious attention to it. Today, we’re going to explore what denotation is and how we can recognize it in film, literature and everyday life. We’ll also explore what makes denotation different from connotation. By the end, we’ll know… Continue reading What is Denotation — Definition & Examples for Writers

What is Sibilance — Definition & Examples For Writers

Sibilance is a useful alliterative tool that writers use to evoke reactions in their readers. But what is sibilance and how is it used? We’re going to answer those questions by looking at sibilance examples from film and literature. We’ll also define sibilance by breaking down its characteristics.Continue reading What is Sibilance — Definition &… Continue reading What is Sibilance — Definition & Examples For Writers

What is Second Person Point of View — Definition and Examples

Your eyes scroll horizontally, sentence by sentence, word over word over word – you stop to think, who is it that’s addressing me? Then, perhaps subconsciously, you realize that you must be reading from an alternate point of view, maybe this is second person – but what is second person point of view? We’re going… Continue reading What is Second Person Point of View — Definition and Examples

What is Sentence Structure — Examples and Tips for Writers

To understand appropriate sentence structure is to understand the grammatical building blocks of the English language. By having a strong grip on the structures of your sentences, you will be a more versatile writer. In this article, we’ll break down what sentence structure is, what the four types of sentence structures are, and how to… Continue reading What is Sentence Structure — Examples and Tips for Writers

What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film

If you’ve ever heard sentence structure, met characters, or witnessed ideas that seem diametrically opposed, you’re actually pretty familiar with the idea of the antithesis. But there is more to it than just juxtaposing ideas. Read on to learn exactly what is antithesis, how this tool is used, and how you can include an antithesis… Continue reading What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film

What is Parallelism — Definition and Examples for Writers

In speeches, in poetry, in literature, you may have come across a grammatical and rhetorical technique known as parallelism. It is famously known for its use of repetition, its use of emphasis, and its use of persuasion. Writers and politicians use parallelism in different ways for different reasons, as do authors and poets. But what… Continue reading What is Parallelism — Definition and Examples for Writers

What is Direct Characterization — Character Building Tips

Characterization is simply “what makes a character a character.” But under the umbrella of characterization, there are two subtypes: direct characterization and indirect characterization. We’re going to break down direct characterization by looking at examples from John Wick, The Grapes of Wrath, and more. By the end, you’ll know how to implement direct characterization in… Continue reading What is Direct Characterization — Character Building Tips

What is Repetition — Definition and Examples for Writers

Literary devices aim to utilize words to communicate more efficiently and more effectively to readers and audiences. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at a literary device that aims to do just that simply by using the same word or phrase again and again. This is of course repetition. Repetition may seem straightforward, but… Continue reading What is Repetition — Definition and Examples for Writers

What is Anaphora — Definition and Examples for Writers

Anaphora can be iconic. Anaphora can be memorable. Anaphora can be effective. Okay, that may be a terrible example of the effectiveness of anaphora. Nevertheless, anaphora is responsible for some of the most iconic speeches in history. What is anaphora and how does it accomplish all of these things? In this article, we’ll take a… Continue reading What is Anaphora — Definition and Examples for Writers

3 Types of Irony Every Storyteller Should Know (with Examples)

⌂ Types OF IronyVerbal IronySituational IronyDramatic Irony We encounter irony every day: in our favorite movies, TV shows, and in our own lives. Most people have a general understanding of irony but there are also a lot of misconceptions about it. For example, were you aware that there are 3 different types of irony? In this… Continue reading 3 Types of Irony Every Storyteller Should Know (with Examples)

What is Tone in Literature & Film — A Guide for Storytellers

What is tone? To answer that question we have to place tone in an appropriate context. Tone can refer to the intonation/pitch of acoustics, the meeting of light and shadow, the firmness of muscles, etc. — but we’re going to focus on what tone means in storytelling. Tone is how an artist feels towards the… Continue reading What is Tone in Literature & Film — A Guide for Storytellers

What is Assonance — Definition and Examples for Writers

One of the most effective ways at making a line of text in literature memorable is by creating rhythm. Writers have a few ways of creating rhythm such as rhyming and alliteration. However, both can become redundant because of their more obvious nature. A more subtle literary device that creates rhythm is assonance. What is… Continue reading What is Assonance — Definition and Examples for Writers

Deus ex Machina — Meaning, Definition & Examples in Movies

What does deus ex machina mean? Writers work hard to put their characters into terrible situations to find new and creative ways to get them out. It’s entertaining and it’s a sign of a great, organic story. Conflict needs to live and breathe. But conflict also demands resolution. Catharsis. But for some writers, that catharsis… Continue reading Deus ex Machina — Meaning, Definition & Examples in Movies