How to Create a Documentary Shooting Schedule

Shooting a documentary is very different from shooting a narrative film. In many ways it can be on the cuff, guerilla style shooting. Documentaries can also be made of properly planned and composed shoots. Great documentaries are made of both and thus require an organized documentary shooting schedule. Creating a documentary shooting schedule is an effective… Continue reading How to Create a Documentary Shooting Schedule

How to Storyboard Photography — Ideas, Examples & Templates

What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard  → During a photoshoot, there are many variables and details to keep track of shot to shot. Lighting, camera framing, wardrobe, and poses can all change from one shot to the next. One of the best tools to ensure that every shot contains the details… Continue reading How to Storyboard Photography — Ideas, Examples & Templates

Videography Contract Template — Free Download

Filmmaking, in many ways, is an unpredictable venture. Productions change and evolve as they face problems and barriers. Utilizing film crew contracts is a way to protect yourself as a crew member or as a production company from any repercussions of the ever changing film production process. In this article, we’ll be taking a look specifically… Continue reading Videography Contract Template — Free Download

What is a Lap Dissolve — Film & Video Editing Techniques

The lap dissolve is one of the oldest editing transitions in cinema. Originally, the lap dissolve was achieved by overlapping the exposure of a single frame of film from shot to shot similarly to a double exposure in photography. Why exactly did filmmakers want to create this effect? How do they use the lap dissolve differently… Continue reading What is a Lap Dissolve — Film & Video Editing Techniques

How Many Rocky Movies Are There — All Rocky Movies in Order

Few could predict just how successful and iconic the Rocky films would become. Afterall, it started as a low budget film shot with a then unknown Sylvester Stallone. After its immense success, film after film in the series were produced. So how many Rocky movies are there? Before you dive into the realm of numbers and… Continue reading How Many Rocky Movies Are There — All Rocky Movies in Order

Commercial Storyboard Examples and Techniques

What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard  → Oftentimes, it can be difficult for creatives in advertising to express their abstract ideas to clients. The best way to do this is by creating something tangible to visually present your ideas to your clients. One of the best tools at achieving this is… Continue reading Commercial Storyboard Examples and Techniques

iPhone Cinematography — How to Get Cinematic iPhone Video

It was not too long ago that the idea of shooting entire feature length films with a phone camera seemed absurd. But respected filmmakers like Sean Baker and Steven Soderbergh have trailblazer the use of iPhones in the filmmaking industry. Baker’s Tangerine and Soderbergh’s Unsane and more recent High Flying Bird have proved fancy cameras… Continue reading iPhone Cinematography — How to Get Cinematic iPhone Video

What is In Camera Editing — Techniques for Photo and Video

Editing is one of the most fundamental processes of filmmaking. Many call it the last rewrite of a film in which the film truly comes together. So how do you create a movie without normal post-production editing? Through in-camera editing of course. In-camera editing may seem like a disadvantageous technique. However, the popularity of the… Continue reading What is In Camera Editing — Techniques for Photo and Video

Anton Chigurh — Characterization of an Iconic Villain Explained

Сinema is riddled with great villains who served their purpose as the foe of an antagonist. However, every now and then a film presents a villain who’s characterization is so precise, intentional, and unique that they become iconic. Anton Chigurh in the Coen brothers’ No Country for Old Men was exactly that. Let’s dive into… Continue reading Anton Chigurh — Characterization of an Iconic Villain Explained

Storyboard Composition — A Guide to Layout, Format, Framing

What is a StoryboardHow to StoryboardStoryboard ExamplesStoryboard SoftwareStoryboard TemplatesCreate Storyboard  → Storyboarding is an incredibly powerful filmmaking tool that allows you to refine your ideas as well as communicate them to others. But how exactly do your storyboard visual ideas like a shot’s composition? Storyboard composition and storyboard format can be ambiguous. In this article,… Continue reading Storyboard Composition — A Guide to Layout, Format, Framing

Props Breakdown — How to Make a List of All Props in a Script

One of the most crucial elements to a scene can be a prop. Props are important for a film’s plot, characters, and overall story. Ensuring that every prop in a screenplay is accounted for and brought on set can be overwhelming. However, creating a props list by breaking down a screenplay is a sure fire… Continue reading Props Breakdown — How to Make a List of All Props in a Script

How to Develop a Movie Script — Characters, Structure & Goals

You finally started writing that great screenplay idea and put words to paper. But all of a sudden you realize that you may have the foundation of your story, but not the details. This is not an uncommon problem. So we decided to address this uncommon problem and lay out tips that will help you… Continue reading How to Develop a Movie Script — Characters, Structure & Goals

What is Low Key Lighting — Definition, Examples in Photo & Film

Low-key lighting can be found in some of the earliest and most influential films in cinema. Early filmmakers utilized low-key lighting in black and white cinematography to tell compelling stories that pushed the art form. Even as film developed and color was introduced to motion pictures, low-key lighting evolved and has influenced the works of… Continue reading What is Low Key Lighting — Definition, Examples in Photo & Film

What is Volumetric Lighting — Definition and Examples

What defines a cinematic shot? For many of us, it is the result of masterful cinematography that creates depth, tone, and tells a story through lighting and camera work. One lighting technique that can help achieve all of these things is volumetric lighting. What is volumetric lighting in filmmaking? Odds are, you have seen this… Continue reading What is Volumetric Lighting — Definition and Examples

What is a Flat Character — Types of Character Arcs Explained

When you think of the most iconic films in cinema, odds are there is a well-rounded, memorable, maybe even complex character attached to it. However, you may be surprised that many of these great films also use simple characters that lack complexity. These are flat characters. What is a flat character arc? In this article,… Continue reading What is a Flat Character — Types of Character Arcs Explained