The Handheld Shot in Film — Definition and Examples

Cinematographers and filmmakers have depended on camera support mechanisms since the beginning of cinema. With tripods, dollies, and cranes, the mechanisms to support a camera have evolved. One method, however, relies on none of these mechanisms and has only grown more relevant with time. The handheld shot. It’s important to understand how filmmakers have utilized… Continue reading The Handheld Shot in Film — Definition and Examples

What is a Wide Angle Lens? (And When to Use One)

Types of LensesOpen menu Prime Lens Zoom Lens Anamorphic Lens Lens Basics More About Lens Types Focal LengthsOpen menu Wide Angle Lens (14mm – 35mm) Standard (35mm – 70mm) Telephoto Lens (70mm – 200mm) More Focal Lengths Specialty LensesOpen menu Macro Lens Fisheye Lens Tilt-Shift Lens Split-Diopter Lens Deakinizer Lens Lens BrandsOpen menu Lens Buying… Continue reading What is a Wide Angle Lens? (And When to Use One)

1917 One Shot Explained — How Roger Deakins Shot a “Oner” Film

When it was announced that 1917 would be shot to look like a single take, it quickly became one of the most anticipated movies of the year. While the performances and screenplay were both incredible, many left the theatre wondering the same thing. How was 1917 filmed? While there is no single answer to this… Continue reading 1917 One Shot Explained — How Roger Deakins Shot a “Oner” Film

Highest-Grossing Movies of All Time: What Makes a Blockbuster?

When audiences saw James Cameron’s Titanic for the first time in 1997, they were awed by a scale of filmmaking that the world had rarely, if at all, seen before. More recently, blockbuster movies are almost expected to match this type of scale — some have exceeded it. So, what are the highest-grossing movies of… Continue reading Highest-Grossing Movies of All Time: What Makes a Blockbuster?

The Spielberg Oner — How to Direct a Long Take Like Steven Spielberg

Jurassic Park is one of the few movies that have set the standard among audiences’ expectations for modern blockbusters. With more recent installments such as Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom falling short of many viewers’ expectations, what exactly made the original so amazing? The answer is largely due to the Jurassic Park cinematography… Continue reading The Spielberg Oner — How to Direct a Long Take Like Steven Spielberg

What is Juxtaposition in Film? Definition and Examples

Two is always better than one when it comes to Juxtaposition. Other than being the game-winning word in your next Scrabble match, what is juxtaposition? It is a frequently used term throughout the artistic world from photography to literature to film. Despite its frequent use, its meaning can be quite vague. We’ll define juxtaposition with… Continue reading What is Juxtaposition in Film? Definition and Examples

What is Diffused Light — Types of Lighting in Photo & Film

Understanding the different qualities of light is important for any filmmaker to know. Each quality can enhance a story by providing a visual element that matches the style and tone of a film. One of the most fundamental qualities of light to understand is diffused light.  From interviews to commercial work to films, knowing the effects… Continue reading What is Diffused Light — Types of Lighting in Photo & Film

Best Netflix Original Movies of 2018, Ranked for Filmmakers

The year 2018 proved to be yet another evolutionary year for Netflix Original movies. From reviving the romantic comedy to uplifting the auteur filmmaker to terrifying horror flicks, Netflix is checking all the boxes. In addition to leveling up the quality of their films, Netflix is producing more films than previous year. With all these… Continue reading Best Netflix Original Movies of 2018, Ranked for Filmmakers

Best Netflix Original Movies of 2019, Ranked for Filmmakers

With every year that passes, Netflix has continued to evolve and grow as a contender against major studios. 2019 proved to be no different. From gangster epics to quirky Rom-Coms to stylish period pieces, Netflix has proven its eclectic taste as a powerhouse production studio. With big contenders competing for the most prestigious awards, 2019… Continue reading Best Netflix Original Movies of 2019, Ranked for Filmmakers

What is a Medium Long Shot (aka Medium Full Shot)?

Close UpsOpen menu Extreme Close-Up (ECU) Close-Up (CU) Medium Close-Up (MCU) Medium ShotsOpen menu Medium Shot (MS) Cowboy Shot (CS) Medium Full Shot (MFS) Wide ShotsOpen menu Full Shot (FS) Wide Shot (WS) Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) More ShotsOpen menu All Shots & Angles Camera Shot Ultimate Guide Create Free Shot List Now In cinematography,… Continue reading What is a Medium Long Shot (aka Medium Full Shot)?